Thursday 8 May 2014

Around the world and back

this update is long over due i am sorry but i been waiting till i had more then just going home to talk about. 

So we arrived back from outreach to Vancouver on feb 21st it was nice to catch up will all the staff back here and with the people from the other team. we spent a week sharing stories and debriefing these 10 days where so busy as i was only in van for 10 days before heading to Aus to spend some time with family and more importantly meet Malakai.

after those 10 days of a lot of talking a debriefing i was on a plane again back to the southern hemisphere and for the first time in 14 months set foot on Australian soil. i spent a week catching up with family and friends and got to share all my experiences of the travels i have had. it was so amazing to be able to share stories with people in person but more importantly i did not have to ware shoes for 3 weeks :) :)  there was a few people i had to surprise i totally freak out my best friend by walking up behind him and the surprise pick up of all my little sibling at school that may or may not have gotten a whole class of 6th graders to get yelled at by their teacher (whoops). so after intense and awesome 10 days in Brisbane we drove down to Canberra for the very importing meet of the nephew this was the longest 14 hours of my life. after yet another sleepless night (traveling is not all its cracked up to be) we arrived safe and sound in Canberra and i FINALLY got to hold my nephew. 

This picture was take like 30 seconds after i saw him for the first time (taking a selfie with an Iphone 3 is hard) 

spending a 10 days in Canberra with my brother and his family was amazing as i got a chance to relax we also went to the beach for the weekend and i got to spend time with Dan doing things that we love to do like mini golf and 10 pin bowling. after the 9.5 days i spent with my nephew it was time to put on shoes again and get on a plane back to Canada (which was bitter sweet time) saying good bye was so hard but i was so excited for what was in store in next, cooking for the school. 

if there is one thing u take away from this update it should be that 16 hour flights SUCK!!! i don't sleep like ever so put me on a 16 hour flight that lands at 7am is terrible ask me to go shopping for the first few days of the school that day is even worse. i got to the kitchen on the Monday to start cooking for the school with no clue what food i had bought. so the first week was a bit of an adventure. i am loving the cooking and having the time of my life here my new room mate is the best and the house i am in here is amazing and after 6 weeks its almost fully furnished, all thanks to God we really did not have to buy very much people just kept giving us stuff it has been so amazing !! 

about a week after i arrived back in Canada i was accepting into a SBS (school of biblical studies) at the sunny coast so i will be coming back to Aus for at least 10 months in August i am looking forward to being closer to family but even more so i am looking excited to be putting 9 months aside to study the word of God. 

so that was a look into the last 2 months of my life 

peace out !