Tuesday 1 March 2016

Praise God in the storms.

It has been a very hard month and I have lost count of the amount of times that I have been asked "if I am ok" or the amount of times that people have said "they are sorry". Its funny how people always say the same thing when they don't know what to say I know I do this too. But the truth is that the words don't really matter to much people just need to know that there is someone who cares and is there for them cause the truth is that no amount of words will bring that person back or even take away the pain of their loss. But there is 1 thing I do know that God is good and he does bring peace and he does bring comfort and even joy. Its the strangest feeling to feel joy while your heart is broken and your eyes are full of tears but that is how amazing our God is.

One day I sat down to just think about the events of the last few
weeks and to try and work out how I was going to adjust to this new reality and this is what I realised: all I wanted to do was "go home" I just felt so homesick that was all I wanted but then I was faced with this question "where is home?" is it here in Truro where I am currently living? Or in Calgary with my amazing friend? Or Australia with the most supportive family one can ask for? As I thought though this question I came to realise that is was all of those place and none of them at the same time. Home is with God. We are not made for this world this is not where we belong, we belong with God. It is in these time of great sorrow and hurt that we just crave him even when we don't realise that is what we are wanting. And no this does not take away the pain, this does not make going on with each day easy but it does make it easier.
God can and does bring comfort when you are so broken that even the thought of getting out of bed is to much. He will be with you as you cry your self to sleep. HE is right there as you break down in the store cause you saw someone who looked like them or remembered something you used to do together. Life will not be easy for you just because you follow God but He is with you and makes it worth living. This is a process and learning to live without someone you never thought you would live without is one of the hardest things to do but we can take hope that this is not the end that there is a life after death and that we will see our loved ones again if they believed that Christ died for them. We have an eternal hope it does not mean it will make this life better but it will definitely make the next one better.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me and especially Jordan and Evan's family over the last month, to all those in Australia who where apart of the prayer vigil during the funereal, God presents could really be felt in that place and your support was instrumental. I know I have not been able to thank you individually and have not been the best at replying but I am truly grateful. God bless you all. Love you all :)

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