Sunday 17 November 2013

Feeding the masses.

note all the spelling mistakes and grammatical errors just prove it me :).

So when i came to Canada i was unsure of what i would be doing, well this journey has been a fun one where i had to really trust God. when i arrived and starting staffing i was still unsure where i fit in and why i was here. even though my fellow staff are amazing and i have loved every second of it. well in class a few weeks ago we where doing an exercise in listening to God. we asked "What do Jesus and i have in common" the first thing i heard was "we fed the masses" which made me laugh but then got me thinking as i am currently over seeing the kitchen and the day where i get to spend time cooking for people i am so happy. so i was thinking maybe i should be doing this full time.

So we went to Alberta for a week for a conference on the Sunday after it finished after the whole week feeling like i maybe pursuing sign right now it not what i am meant to be doing  i asked God if he does not want me to peruse sign right now show me. the next day some one came up to me and said " so your staying after the DTS to cook right" then a few days later someone else said "i really want you to stay after" so i was like OK God i get it.

 i went to talk to one of my leaders and ask if there was a need for a full time cook next year and his reply was there is a desperate need. i could not follow it much past that as int he last 2 weeks i have cooked for large groups that have been visiting us here and doing a mission adventures program. this involved cooking 2 dinner one for 60 people one for 65 (in a kitchen worse them kenelworth) i had so so much fun doing this even with delayed due to kitchens breaking and then having to move with only an 1 and half till serivs but still loved it :).

it had been almost 2 weeks since i had talk to my leader and i had not really followed up with him about it then the next day the other leader came up to me and said " i need to talk to you about staying after and cooking" and after that i found out that they had not spoken to each other about this and i have now decided to stay here for the next year or so and cook full time for the school they have running. its going to be totally amazing. ohh and also the kitchen is being renovated so it wont be horrible for long (hopefully)

but before this happens in just under 3 weeks i am staffing an outreach to a few different cites in Asia. i will post another update before i leave about that though :)

NOTE: all the pics where from the meal i cooked for 65 ppl last Wednesday.

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