Saturday 7 December 2013

Never would have imagined

Ok so i am writing this update sitting in the Taipei airport on a layover on my way to Indonesia where i am going to spend 6 weeks assisting in leading a group of 6 students, working with the locals doing all sorts of ministry stuff. Then i am going to Singapore for 2 weeks then Hong Kong for 3. All i can think about while i sit here waiting is how the heck did my life get to be this amazing.

When i got on that plane on the 1st of Jan heading for Hawaii i NEVER would have imagined my life to turn out the way it is now. The thing that blows my mind the most is people believe in me so much they are willing to financially support me to be able to travel and serve God in this way. I will never be able to express just how lucky i am to be surrounded by these people. 

Well this update is about the last 3 months. well as many as you will know i have been staffing a DTS which is the mission cause i did earlier this year. so i have been living in Vancouver with 12 students and 10 staff (in multiple houses). the adventure starting with a weekend trip to a cabin in the mountains where we got to know each other better as well as going over exceptions and information about the next 3 months. it was a very fun weekend. when we got back we went st-right into full swing off lectures and other stuff. This is so amazing just as good as when i was a student, even though the topics where very simler the people presenting them where different and because of this they presented in a new and exciting way which i got a lot out of and have grown alot. The thing i enjoyed most though was watching the students grow and change like i did when i was a student it makes all the late night, long hours so so worth it.  apart of this lecture phase we took a road trip to a confrace that ran in Alberta this week was the most amazing weeks of the last 3 months it involved alot of presentation from people that have severed around the world, also we met up 2 other school and made lots of new friends. The thing i loved most about this week was we got a lot of different view what i missionary is and it made me look at this is a new way. (also the worship that week was just epic). Also i went to my first ice hockey game which was so amazing. Also with a small group of the students we found out Aussies should not ice skate.

So this is now my life, saying yes to God and following him where he wants me, i just want to say that ever since i said yes for the the time my life has not be all rainbow and butterfly there has been a lot of difficulty. i still have troubles and fear but now i know i am not walking alone i have amazing family and friends who are willing to support me in what ever way they can. but even better then that is i have a loving father in heaven that just wants what is best for me. That is what God can give you, he wont make your life perfect but he will make sure you don't have to face it alone. While this may not seem like an exciting update but i don't care i have loved every second even the times when i was worried or struggles cause they all made me to be there person i am right this second. 

love you all 
(if you did not already know who blog this is)

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