Thursday 26 December 2013

Box day thought

Ok as i sit here writing this thinking about where i am and what i am doing. i am reminded that this day for the past 22 years has been a day where you do very little, you relax and eat leftovers and play with the toys you got for Christmas hang out with the family that are still around and most importantly watch the cricket. being here though in a country that does not celebrate Christmas it is very different even to those that do Christmas is very different. it seems to be a day where you spend time with your family but not extended they don't seem to have special meals or traditions other then church and boxing day is just a normal day. which has made me think about Christmas back home and how commercial they have become. Yesterday my team here spent the day together eating a special Christmas lunch then exchanged small gifts but the most important things is we just loved each other. This year our Christmas was all about love and Jesus. which made it amazing. am i sad that i am not watching cricket with my family right now absolutely would i have LOVED to be there for my nephew's first Christmas of course but in saying all of that i would not trade this for the world. i got to spend this day with an amazing group of people from around the world as most of us spent of first Christmas away form family. we have also had the opportunity to show the people here that they are worth our time.

over the last 3 weeks we have done a lot of Church ministry going to church serves, spending time with children and teaching and a christian school here teaching them English and just hanging out with them, we have gone to a pray tower to which in 20 odd floors up and prayed over the city with a bunch of locals, we have spent some time in the slums meeting people and handing out food. even though they don't really cerebrate Christmas here most of the origination we are working with have a break at this time of year so the opportunity have been quite light things will pick up after the new year though. also while i was here i had the privilege to meet with my grandmother sponcer child Ricky.

Now this for me was even more emotional due to my history, but meeting Ricky was a moving experience. from the moment i met him and his family there was giant smile on his face. which was awesome to see from a 13 yr old boy. we went to a museum and then out for lunch the whole time he and his dad where talking about all the letters asking question about my family (that they had from the letters, like how is my cousin and nephew who where just born and how my grandfather is.) we talked about school and hobbies. he is a very shy boy who was so nervous about his speaking ability, but i could tell that he LOVES writing and receiving the letters.

also this is a picture of the base in Vancouver just after we left.

i know this update does not it seem like we have not done much, but like i said it has been a pretty chill couple of week, i know it is about to get pretty busy so the next update will have more in it.

:) (spelling mistake just prove it is me )

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