Tuesday 14 January 2014

Into the new year

i  am sitting in the airport in Indonesia on my way to Singapore and i cant even believe what i have done in the last year and what i am doing now.

the few days after Christmas before new year where quite we spent the time resting and doing little odd and ends around Surabaya. On the 30th of Dec we packed our bags and set out to stay at an orphanage for the next week we were bound for a orphanage with 20 kids 3 hours out of town, well the night before we find out we are going to a different one with 50 kids 30 min away lets just say this had mixed emotions among the team.

when we arrived the kids all lined up told us there name (like we are going to remember that). that night we just got settled in and went to bed early as we were told the children wake up at 4:30am everyday for morning prayer before getting readying for school. well the next day we woke up at 4am so we could be ready only to find out that it was at 6am due to school holidays. well at lest we have some story's to tell from this. that morning was filled with games (name, getting to know you). which involved lots of laughing. in the afternoon we broke into groups to practice things for a talent show that we would be doing for the new year eve. it was lots of fun to see what the kids come up with. that night we had a big party which was so much fun there was dancing and so much food as well as the talent show. most of my team went to bed early which was lame so i spent the night with a group of girls that attached them self's to me for the whole week. at midnight we where all dancing in the street the kids had sparklers and there was fire works going off everywhere it was epic. (this description does not even come close to how amazing the night was)

the next day was very chill as all the kids slept in (we where told that we where going to church at 8) we just hung out with the kids. on our last full day there we took most of the boys and a few of the girls to play fotsol this was so so much fun.

when we went to go back to the base it was so sad as these kids that we has only known for 4 and yet it felt like we knew them forever so there was alot of tears when it was time to leave.

we spent the next week helping out at a school, teaching English or bible lessons or helping the teacher with all they needed to do.

1 little boy had autism and 1 little girl had down syndrome. the little girl does not like meeting new people but i did not know this so when. we first arrived it was quite reading time she was sitting off to the side not really doing anything as she could not read so i picked up a book and started reading it to her she sat and listened, the teacher where amazed the whole day she did her work and hung off me the teachers all begged me many many times to stay. it was awesome ... then we went back on Friday and she peed on me :( but still an amazing experience. 

we also made food to take to the slums and we went to a village for the weekend this so cool. it was also a great growing and learning experience for all of us. even if the accommodation was a lot better then we where expecting it was. so on Saturday we went for a walk up to the corn field on the mountain to pray for the next town over as it is an un-reached village we also went and prayed for some people in the village. then on sundae morning i preached at the local Church.

on our last day in Surabaya we took the base staff to a water park for the day to say thank you for all they did ... which was good for me cause my skin needs colour.

well that was our adventures in Surabaya, off to Singapore now cause we are there for 2 weeks i will do an update when we leave.

love u all

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