Friday 21 February 2014

High Hopes

so after we left Surabaya we went to Singapore i had high hopes for this as when i was a kid we had a layover at the airport and LOVED it so i assumed that the country would be even better so we arrived and made our way to were we where staying.

when we went to get food straight away i am going to say, some people might say that Singapore is the food capital of the world so our whole team had high hopes for this and lets just say we where not disappointed. well we went straight into ministry the next day, which was still very light as Singapore is normally the first stop in Asia so we had lectures about cultural, ministry and other things about living and doing ministry in Asia and seeing as we had been here for 6 weeks most of these where just reminder but still amazing and helpful. we did other stuff like handing out food and blankets hot chocolate to the homeless, pray walking in the red light district. ever since i found out i was going to Singapore i was praying that we would get a chance to go to BB (boys brigade) while we are there and the day we first arrive i found out this was happening i was so happy! we also went to a mega church that was pretty cool i loved the worship, it reminded me of AGMF. i really enjoyed Singapore even though we where only there for 2 weeks. i lead a temple tour of the city which including navigating the street with 8 people following me and i did not get them lost :) it felt like we were only there for days bot weeks then it was time to leave :( but the adventure continues in Hong Kong

we arrived in Hong Kong really late and went straight to bed the next day i went looking for the Aussie that i knew where at the base i met one in the morning and by that afternoon we where pushing and calling each other names it was so awesome (i was a little home sick by this stage). in Hong Kong we had a more ministry stuff to do we did a lot of sport ministry which was awesome we played soccer with guys in drug rehab we help out at a YMCA fate i helped run the rowing booth it was cool. ( it was rowing exercise machine racers) we also played basket ball with some middle school kids they owned us but it was still so so much fun. we also went to do pray walking and chat with people in the red light district, spent some time with kids after school helping them with homework (well sitting waiting for them to finish then playing games with them) we did so much stuff in Hong Kong but the things i loved most was getting to know the students and staff at the base and doing worship at the base also going and playing sport it was so amazing and a great way to end outreach also it was chinsse new year while we where there and that was super sweet

...i know this is not the best up date, never write updates on layer over when u have not slept but what ever you guys get the point !!
 also i relished that the dragon pic was taken in Indonesian after the i put it up oh well its still a sick pic !! 

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