Sunday 26 October 2014

Its not about me

So I know it has been a really long time since I last updated, I could come up with a heap of different reason all true yet they are just excuses the real reason is I did not see the point. To me it seemed like the only people who were reading are people who I told all the story’s to that are on here so why bother taking my time to write it out when I am just going to tell you anyway. Well here is the conclusion I came to while thinking about this it’s not about me! The reason I do what I do none of it about me and even If only 1 person reads this, if they can see the amazing work God is doing both in my life and the people around me then it is worthy it cause he is worthy !! So here is what has been happening in the last few months.

I returned to Vancouver to for a leadership school they were running. It was really fun to be back in the kitchen "full time” I put that in air quotes because the school was very small and it was super easy to cook for.  I had heaps of fun just chilling and spending my days cooking with God. It was a very good to take those months as a little more chill time (compared to the last year) and just get to know God more. One of the awesome answers to prayer that I had, I had about 2 months in-between the school finishing and starting the 9 months bible school that I was doing in September back in Aus. So I was praying and I asked God “if there is a summer camp you want me to work at show me which one” a few days later a friend ask me to come work at his summer camp with him. So I applied and I was heading to summer camp for 2 weeks or so I thought.

Having never attended a summer camp I was super excited not knowing really what would happened but I could not wait for the 2 week adventure. I arrived at the camp 2 hour before the children ( I could not attend the staff training the week before due to cooking in Vancouver) so I was in the cabin meeting all the these staff and trying to understand the way things works. Lucky there was amazing other leaders in the cabin that helped me out a lot!! Then the kids arrived it was the crazy yet awesome night, lying in bed that I was never wanted this to end and I got the idea to try and change my flight so I could work at this camp longer, within a few days I had so many people telling to stay longer so I (and by I, I mean my parents) looked at changing my flight so I could stay longer. So by the end of the first week I had changed my flights and I was working another 5 weeks at camp. I did have to go back to Vancouver to cook for a team that was coming in and pack up all my stuff. Those first 2 weeks at camp were amazing, seeing so many staff that are so on fire for the Lord giving up there summer (those under 18, which was most volunteered) to pour into this kids’ lives. I was the oldest cabin leader at this camp. It was so encouraging to see teenagers who are fully living for God trusting him and wanting to share him with the kids. I could not wait to come back and get to spend another 5 weeks at the camp with those staff and the kids!!!!

I could write story and story of amazing things that God did at the camp in my life and in those around me but that would make this blog way to long (ask me I more than happy to talk about it) but one of the best things I got from camp was amazing friends that are real and for life. It was really hard to leave Canada and return home cause I was leaving them behind L.  But the best place to be is in the center of Gods will, so I returned home and was really excited to start this bible school.
So I have been doing this school for a month now and I am LOVING IT, I spend 8-10 hours a day studying the bible and in the word and it is the greatest thing ever I am so excited to continue till we have done the whole bible and every day I fall more in the Love with God and the Bible.
Well that’s all for now and weather you enjoyed it or not I don’t really care, but I do hope you can see how amazing God !!! 

Peace Homies !!! 

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