Sunday 16 November 2014

Home sick in my own town.

So this has been on my heart for awhile now so i just had to write it. Ever since i stared this crazy journey I have been wondering where my home which country do i call home?

So ever since i got back to Australia people keep asking me if i like being home (those who know that i am an Aussie :(  that is) other ask me where i am from thinking i am either Canadian or American silly messed up accent. or even harder they ask we were i like better here or Canada i cant answer any of these questions. But this always make me think about home and where is home. Is it here your heart is ? well my heart is both here and there (Calgary) so that is unhelpful. How can it be that i feel more homesick being here in Australia which is very weird and at first i could not figure out why.

I have the best family in the whole world (or peeps but its true) and i love them all so much and being home has been amazing to spend time with them but there is just something about being here that feels different, its like everything is the but no, same same but different. is it this place that has changed or have I? Am i not Australian anymore well the 1kg of Vegemite I have might say otherwise.

well it come to me the other week and i had this revelation before but this time it seem to just make more sense while i was studying Philippians this verse really stuck out to me-

But our citizenship is in heaven and from it we await a savoir the Lord Jesus Christ Philippians 3:20. 

I have often herd it say that we are ambassador of Christ which means Christ representative in a foreign land to. so why i am feeling homesick here in Australia this is not my home heaven is i am just waiting for the right time to go home until then i will be the ambassador of Christ here on earth.

So no matter what country i am in i will always be the foreigner because i am not of this world and i would not have it any other way even if it means i don't always feel like i belong or fit in because i belong to Christ. With this in mind i can honesty say that i will serve anywhere in any country and any location because that is why i am here no other reason then to shine the light of Christ until i am called home.

 well that is all peeps !!! hope your loving your life no matter where you are because there is always that little piece of home in your heart as the spirit burns inside of you !!!!

Love you all

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