Friday 23 December 2016

Home for the holidays

Well its that time of year again they time for family and friends and food, when we all stop to remember the day that love came down but what about those who can't make it "home". As you sit around the table on Christmas day all the foods that just make Christmas whatever that be for your family, looking around the table maybe there are some chairs that are empty as some family are to far away from "home"

This will be at all my family gathering this year and those who know me, know just how many families I have yet around the tables there will be these empty seats people who are missing because I thought Canada was far away this year I learnt that Heaven is way further.

While I am over 14,000km away from most of my I can still call them and Skype and due this gift of technology I will still see them on Christmas day which can make it feel like home is not that far away. No, I don't think that this is the same as being in the same room as them and yes I wish I could hug them all so very much, I have come to realise that the other end of phone is way better then waiting till heaven to see them again.

(My families trees)

These empty chairs don't mean that there is less love, less family or friends. While our loved ones are spending Christmas with the one who the whole holiday is about Jesus. We can remember the reason for this holiday and remember that this is not the end that because of this day 2000 odd years ago we have a hope and future that we will once again be reunited with those we miss. I know that this does not make it hurt any less or make those empty chairs any less saddening, think about the day Jesus left heaven and the empty chair that would have created the pain it caused seeing him suffer on earth tortured and killed by those he came to save yet he left and created that empty chair so that we can sit at his table when we finally go "home for the holidays".

So where ever you are spending the holidays this year cherish those who are around you. Last year I has this plan to have my first white Christmas and do all the things you see in the movie well my plans changed and because of these plans changing I got to spend so much more time with Jordan and at that time we did not know it would be his last Christmas. Here is the reality we do not know who will make it to next Christmas this time last year I most definitely did not think 17 year old Jordan and Evan or granddad who was so healthy would be spending this Christmas in heaven.

I don't care if you are spending this time with people you have only known for a few months, that what I am doing and I will enjoy it as much as I can because we are not promised a tomorrow. So today I will shine my God to the world, that's why I am here so that when I finally do go "home" the party will be huge. 

Love you all Merry Christmas!!!!

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