Saturday 4 February 2017

No, i am not okay.

                                           Its been a year and i miss him more everyday. <3 

It has been 1 year since i last talked to my little brother to share my day with him, to hear about his and make silly jokes that no one but us would understand. When i lost him and his twin the storm clouds seemed like they would never end. while i still hide a lot of pain behind a smile it has been in this pain that i have learnt a lot and most of what i have learnt has still come from my little brother. 

He had a faith that changed lives everyone he met was changed and his life just screamed Jesus and that is how i want to live. While i have really struggled over the last year and still do i have never lost my faith in God, in His goodness and faithfulness. While i might be falling apart He is and always be faithful, He has never left me so why would i ever leave him. This has been one of the biggest lesson i have learnt that no matter what life can throw at us God is always bigger and he is always with us. 

These are my amazing grandfathers who have both gone to heaven in the last few years. 

We are not promised a tomorrow, so why do we put off living until later. There is this hope that i have been able to hold onto over the last year and that is that all those i have lost in the past 2 years i will see again i know exactly where they are, in the arms of our loving savouir. What about those that do not have that hope. How can they go though lose without it and how can we as a body of Christ not go out there and change that. We have the best gift that we can ever have and we need to share it with the world. 

This is the biggest lesson i have learnt out of the many many and it is in many ways i am not okay and the biggest thing I AM NOT OKAY with is that there is many people in this world that have never heard the name of Jesus and that is not okay. We can not be content with this and we need to fight with ever breathe we have we need to show the world this hope that we have because we do not know when we will be going home to the arms of Jesus. While we are hear we need to fight, fight ageist the world and what it throws at us and shout the name of Jesus. There are to many people in this world that are hurting and don't have any hope we need to show them. I can't wait to party it up with my brothers in Heaven but i want that party to be huge so until then i will tell everyone i can about the Love and salvation that come from Jesus. 

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