Monday 8 May 2017

I'm always leaving.

The adventures when you follow God are the best you will ever have, no matter what dreams you have, the plans you have made when you live for God His plans, His way will always be better. This is the life i have chosen and to chose it all i had to do was say yes, say yes to living his way not mine but what does this mean?  

These days it seems i am always leaving somewhere and no matter how much i want to be in the place i am going, i never want to leave. Saying goodbye is always so hard leaving is always going to suck because the reality is you never know if it will be the last. This is what happens when you travel when the term "Home" can be many difference places. 

I know where my home is and right now there are people i love very much waiting for me there but for now i am here on earth and while i know my home is in heaven that does not mean we don't get a taste of it down here. That is what i think we call home that feeling of belonging that we get when are in the presence of our Lord so the taste of it we have down here is nothing compared to what we will have. 

So what do you do when there are many places that to you feel like home? That when you go to one you are leaving the other? well in my opinion, you say yes. You follow the one who created it all the one that gave us "home". Gods plan is way better then our His ways are so much better and while this will never make leaving easy Jesus is worth of it. There is nothing we can give up no cost that there is that will ever be more then what God has done for us what he is worthy of our everything. Even if that means leaving. Leaving our old lives behind and following him wherever he send us. 

(All these pictures where taken in places that feel like home, most of which i would not have if i did not say yes)

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