Sunday 4 February 2018

It's not meant to be hard

i have one of the greatest jobs in the world, i have the privilege of helping other understand the bible and how to read it. this week in Mauritius, Africa we have been done 3 bible studies and in one of them one of the locals at the end turned to me and said "wow this is so easy i never thought it could be so easy to study the bible" to which i replied "its not meant to be hard". I have found that this is a very common belief that Christians have, the bible is complicated and hard to understand and you need to have a degree in theology to even be able to read it. this is not remotely true!

before i did my bible school this was my thought to that i could not understand the bible its too hard and complicated but after i started studying it i realised just how easy it really is. in saying this i am not saying that it does not take work it does but there are ways you can read the bible without having to spend year in a bible collage.

you might think this is easy for me to say as i have spent time time in a bible collage but those who we were doing bible study with this week have not and for them the simple steps we gave helped them to understand the bible and so many comments were made about how easy it was. so for those who are wondering the simple steps we use are Pray, Observe, Interpret and Apply. Making sure to read the whole passage, story or book to ensure that you are not taking the verses out of context.

(this is some of the students of the last school dressing up like the staff)

This reality is everyone can read and study the bible as the relations come from God and he knows everyone's heart and mind and how he can speak to them so its the most impactful. if your doing a bible study with a group of friends and even though you are reading the same passage different things stand out to different people. don't let the fact you have never been to bible school stop you from reading the bible. you don't need to be a theologian all you need is the bible and God. He is the one who wrote it so he will explain it to you ITS NOT MEANT TO BE HARD! Don't let this lie that you cant study the word of God cause you don't know how God has given you all the tools you need.

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