Friday 24 August 2018

Meeting Mitu

So for those who are reading this that don't know who Mitu is, she was a child that i started sponsoring when i was 15 and from the day i started sponsoring her i said i had always wanted to go to Bangladesh to meet her. well sadly just a few short years after i started sponsoring her she sadly drowned along with a few other girls from her village. They where bathing in a pond when one of the girls went out to deep then the other 3 went to help her and sadly all 4 died. So while the title might be a bit miss-leading as i did not meet Mitu i have just returned from a trip to Bangladesh and some amazing things happened there.

Even after she passed away there was still this heart that i had to go to her country i might not have been able to meet her but i could at least get an glimpse into her culture and in that know her a bit better. It might not make sense but this was how i wanted to honor her life and even though i only knew her though letter we wrote back and forth maybe 4-5 a year for 3.5 years. She was the first person i ever called my little sister and she was the first person to ever call me big sister.

so when i got this opportunity to go to her county to visit some friends as well as meet and spend time with some locals i was very excited i really wanted to experience her culture. from when i first arrived i loved every second of it from talking about cricket with those in immigration to seeing the traffic and lack of traffic on the roads over the first few days to eating with my hand which i have always loved so that was awesome to eating rice 2 sometimes 3 times a day not wearing shoes to seeing a city which has way to many people to visiting the villages. i just loved the country and the people. I got the opportunity to tell Mitu's story and tell them why i had always wanted to see this country with some of people i met and this resulted in the best thing that came out of my trip.

When i was getting ready to go home on my last day there i was talking to the locals that i had spent the 2 weeks and they were telling me about how i had been a blessing to them, which is hard to see as they were so hospitable and i feel they blessed me more then i blessed them but that  is how it goes you always feel the other side is more of a blessing but then they feel the same. But then 2 of the guy said something that i was not expecting at all.

This is a potato cake that i had it was delicious but it was also one of the least yellow foods i ate.

They said that where were most blessed by my story and by the fact that i sponsored a child from Bangladesh as they both grew up being sponsored and they never got to meet or even write letters to the person who sponsored them so in us meeting this was in a way i got to meet a child who was sponsored and they got to meet someone who sponsored a child and this was a true blessing for both of us as they told me just how much that sponsorship change their lives and the lives of all the children they grew up with which was really amazing.  i was never expecting this and i was blessed beyond words to have this opportunity.

Since the day i found out that Mitu had died i have had a bracelet with her name engraved on it. She has been on my heart since the day i started sponsoring her and now i have been to her county and seen her people and in a way met her.

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