Sunday 16 November 2014

Home sick in my own town.

So this has been on my heart for awhile now so i just had to write it. Ever since i stared this crazy journey I have been wondering where my home which country do i call home?

So ever since i got back to Australia people keep asking me if i like being home (those who know that i am an Aussie :(  that is) other ask me where i am from thinking i am either Canadian or American silly messed up accent. or even harder they ask we were i like better here or Canada i cant answer any of these questions. But this always make me think about home and where is home. Is it here your heart is ? well my heart is both here and there (Calgary) so that is unhelpful. How can it be that i feel more homesick being here in Australia which is very weird and at first i could not figure out why.

I have the best family in the whole world (or peeps but its true) and i love them all so much and being home has been amazing to spend time with them but there is just something about being here that feels different, its like everything is the but no, same same but different. is it this place that has changed or have I? Am i not Australian anymore well the 1kg of Vegemite I have might say otherwise.

well it come to me the other week and i had this revelation before but this time it seem to just make more sense while i was studying Philippians this verse really stuck out to me-

But our citizenship is in heaven and from it we await a savoir the Lord Jesus Christ Philippians 3:20. 

I have often herd it say that we are ambassador of Christ which means Christ representative in a foreign land to. so why i am feeling homesick here in Australia this is not my home heaven is i am just waiting for the right time to go home until then i will be the ambassador of Christ here on earth.

So no matter what country i am in i will always be the foreigner because i am not of this world and i would not have it any other way even if it means i don't always feel like i belong or fit in because i belong to Christ. With this in mind i can honesty say that i will serve anywhere in any country and any location because that is why i am here no other reason then to shine the light of Christ until i am called home.

 well that is all peeps !!! hope your loving your life no matter where you are because there is always that little piece of home in your heart as the spirit burns inside of you !!!!

Love you all

Sunday 26 October 2014

Its not about me

So I know it has been a really long time since I last updated, I could come up with a heap of different reason all true yet they are just excuses the real reason is I did not see the point. To me it seemed like the only people who were reading are people who I told all the story’s to that are on here so why bother taking my time to write it out when I am just going to tell you anyway. Well here is the conclusion I came to while thinking about this it’s not about me! The reason I do what I do none of it about me and even If only 1 person reads this, if they can see the amazing work God is doing both in my life and the people around me then it is worthy it cause he is worthy !! So here is what has been happening in the last few months.

I returned to Vancouver to for a leadership school they were running. It was really fun to be back in the kitchen "full time” I put that in air quotes because the school was very small and it was super easy to cook for.  I had heaps of fun just chilling and spending my days cooking with God. It was a very good to take those months as a little more chill time (compared to the last year) and just get to know God more. One of the awesome answers to prayer that I had, I had about 2 months in-between the school finishing and starting the 9 months bible school that I was doing in September back in Aus. So I was praying and I asked God “if there is a summer camp you want me to work at show me which one” a few days later a friend ask me to come work at his summer camp with him. So I applied and I was heading to summer camp for 2 weeks or so I thought.

Having never attended a summer camp I was super excited not knowing really what would happened but I could not wait for the 2 week adventure. I arrived at the camp 2 hour before the children ( I could not attend the staff training the week before due to cooking in Vancouver) so I was in the cabin meeting all the these staff and trying to understand the way things works. Lucky there was amazing other leaders in the cabin that helped me out a lot!! Then the kids arrived it was the crazy yet awesome night, lying in bed that I was never wanted this to end and I got the idea to try and change my flight so I could work at this camp longer, within a few days I had so many people telling to stay longer so I (and by I, I mean my parents) looked at changing my flight so I could stay longer. So by the end of the first week I had changed my flights and I was working another 5 weeks at camp. I did have to go back to Vancouver to cook for a team that was coming in and pack up all my stuff. Those first 2 weeks at camp were amazing, seeing so many staff that are so on fire for the Lord giving up there summer (those under 18, which was most volunteered) to pour into this kids’ lives. I was the oldest cabin leader at this camp. It was so encouraging to see teenagers who are fully living for God trusting him and wanting to share him with the kids. I could not wait to come back and get to spend another 5 weeks at the camp with those staff and the kids!!!!

I could write story and story of amazing things that God did at the camp in my life and in those around me but that would make this blog way to long (ask me I more than happy to talk about it) but one of the best things I got from camp was amazing friends that are real and for life. It was really hard to leave Canada and return home cause I was leaving them behind L.  But the best place to be is in the center of Gods will, so I returned home and was really excited to start this bible school.
So I have been doing this school for a month now and I am LOVING IT, I spend 8-10 hours a day studying the bible and in the word and it is the greatest thing ever I am so excited to continue till we have done the whole bible and every day I fall more in the Love with God and the Bible.
Well that’s all for now and weather you enjoyed it or not I don’t really care, but I do hope you can see how amazing God !!! 

Peace Homies !!! 

Thursday 8 May 2014

Around the world and back

this update is long over due i am sorry but i been waiting till i had more then just going home to talk about. 

So we arrived back from outreach to Vancouver on feb 21st it was nice to catch up will all the staff back here and with the people from the other team. we spent a week sharing stories and debriefing these 10 days where so busy as i was only in van for 10 days before heading to Aus to spend some time with family and more importantly meet Malakai.

after those 10 days of a lot of talking a debriefing i was on a plane again back to the southern hemisphere and for the first time in 14 months set foot on Australian soil. i spent a week catching up with family and friends and got to share all my experiences of the travels i have had. it was so amazing to be able to share stories with people in person but more importantly i did not have to ware shoes for 3 weeks :) :)  there was a few people i had to surprise i totally freak out my best friend by walking up behind him and the surprise pick up of all my little sibling at school that may or may not have gotten a whole class of 6th graders to get yelled at by their teacher (whoops). so after intense and awesome 10 days in Brisbane we drove down to Canberra for the very importing meet of the nephew this was the longest 14 hours of my life. after yet another sleepless night (traveling is not all its cracked up to be) we arrived safe and sound in Canberra and i FINALLY got to hold my nephew. 

This picture was take like 30 seconds after i saw him for the first time (taking a selfie with an Iphone 3 is hard) 

spending a 10 days in Canberra with my brother and his family was amazing as i got a chance to relax we also went to the beach for the weekend and i got to spend time with Dan doing things that we love to do like mini golf and 10 pin bowling. after the 9.5 days i spent with my nephew it was time to put on shoes again and get on a plane back to Canada (which was bitter sweet time) saying good bye was so hard but i was so excited for what was in store in next, cooking for the school. 

if there is one thing u take away from this update it should be that 16 hour flights SUCK!!! i don't sleep like ever so put me on a 16 hour flight that lands at 7am is terrible ask me to go shopping for the first few days of the school that day is even worse. i got to the kitchen on the Monday to start cooking for the school with no clue what food i had bought. so the first week was a bit of an adventure. i am loving the cooking and having the time of my life here my new room mate is the best and the house i am in here is amazing and after 6 weeks its almost fully furnished, all thanks to God we really did not have to buy very much people just kept giving us stuff it has been so amazing !! 

about a week after i arrived back in Canada i was accepting into a SBS (school of biblical studies) at the sunny coast so i will be coming back to Aus for at least 10 months in August i am looking forward to being closer to family but even more so i am looking excited to be putting 9 months aside to study the word of God. 

so that was a look into the last 2 months of my life 

peace out ! 

Friday 21 February 2014

High Hopes

so after we left Surabaya we went to Singapore i had high hopes for this as when i was a kid we had a layover at the airport and LOVED it so i assumed that the country would be even better so we arrived and made our way to were we where staying.

when we went to get food straight away i am going to say, some people might say that Singapore is the food capital of the world so our whole team had high hopes for this and lets just say we where not disappointed. well we went straight into ministry the next day, which was still very light as Singapore is normally the first stop in Asia so we had lectures about cultural, ministry and other things about living and doing ministry in Asia and seeing as we had been here for 6 weeks most of these where just reminder but still amazing and helpful. we did other stuff like handing out food and blankets hot chocolate to the homeless, pray walking in the red light district. ever since i found out i was going to Singapore i was praying that we would get a chance to go to BB (boys brigade) while we are there and the day we first arrive i found out this was happening i was so happy! we also went to a mega church that was pretty cool i loved the worship, it reminded me of AGMF. i really enjoyed Singapore even though we where only there for 2 weeks. i lead a temple tour of the city which including navigating the street with 8 people following me and i did not get them lost :) it felt like we were only there for days bot weeks then it was time to leave :( but the adventure continues in Hong Kong

we arrived in Hong Kong really late and went straight to bed the next day i went looking for the Aussie that i knew where at the base i met one in the morning and by that afternoon we where pushing and calling each other names it was so awesome (i was a little home sick by this stage). in Hong Kong we had a more ministry stuff to do we did a lot of sport ministry which was awesome we played soccer with guys in drug rehab we help out at a YMCA fate i helped run the rowing booth it was cool. ( it was rowing exercise machine racers) we also played basket ball with some middle school kids they owned us but it was still so so much fun. we also went to do pray walking and chat with people in the red light district, spent some time with kids after school helping them with homework (well sitting waiting for them to finish then playing games with them) we did so much stuff in Hong Kong but the things i loved most was getting to know the students and staff at the base and doing worship at the base also going and playing sport it was so amazing and a great way to end outreach also it was chinsse new year while we where there and that was super sweet

...i know this is not the best up date, never write updates on layer over when u have not slept but what ever you guys get the point !!
 also i relished that the dragon pic was taken in Indonesian after the i put it up oh well its still a sick pic !! 

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Into the new year

i  am sitting in the airport in Indonesia on my way to Singapore and i cant even believe what i have done in the last year and what i am doing now.

the few days after Christmas before new year where quite we spent the time resting and doing little odd and ends around Surabaya. On the 30th of Dec we packed our bags and set out to stay at an orphanage for the next week we were bound for a orphanage with 20 kids 3 hours out of town, well the night before we find out we are going to a different one with 50 kids 30 min away lets just say this had mixed emotions among the team.

when we arrived the kids all lined up told us there name (like we are going to remember that). that night we just got settled in and went to bed early as we were told the children wake up at 4:30am everyday for morning prayer before getting readying for school. well the next day we woke up at 4am so we could be ready only to find out that it was at 6am due to school holidays. well at lest we have some story's to tell from this. that morning was filled with games (name, getting to know you). which involved lots of laughing. in the afternoon we broke into groups to practice things for a talent show that we would be doing for the new year eve. it was lots of fun to see what the kids come up with. that night we had a big party which was so much fun there was dancing and so much food as well as the talent show. most of my team went to bed early which was lame so i spent the night with a group of girls that attached them self's to me for the whole week. at midnight we where all dancing in the street the kids had sparklers and there was fire works going off everywhere it was epic. (this description does not even come close to how amazing the night was)

the next day was very chill as all the kids slept in (we where told that we where going to church at 8) we just hung out with the kids. on our last full day there we took most of the boys and a few of the girls to play fotsol this was so so much fun.

when we went to go back to the base it was so sad as these kids that we has only known for 4 and yet it felt like we knew them forever so there was alot of tears when it was time to leave.

we spent the next week helping out at a school, teaching English or bible lessons or helping the teacher with all they needed to do.

1 little boy had autism and 1 little girl had down syndrome. the little girl does not like meeting new people but i did not know this so when. we first arrived it was quite reading time she was sitting off to the side not really doing anything as she could not read so i picked up a book and started reading it to her she sat and listened, the teacher where amazed the whole day she did her work and hung off me the teachers all begged me many many times to stay. it was awesome ... then we went back on Friday and she peed on me :( but still an amazing experience. 

we also made food to take to the slums and we went to a village for the weekend this so cool. it was also a great growing and learning experience for all of us. even if the accommodation was a lot better then we where expecting it was. so on Saturday we went for a walk up to the corn field on the mountain to pray for the next town over as it is an un-reached village we also went and prayed for some people in the village. then on sundae morning i preached at the local Church.

on our last day in Surabaya we took the base staff to a water park for the day to say thank you for all they did ... which was good for me cause my skin needs colour.

well that was our adventures in Surabaya, off to Singapore now cause we are there for 2 weeks i will do an update when we leave.

love u all